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Filtration Systems

Whole House Filtration System


The city water in our area can be treated in 3 steps:

1) Water Softener

2) Whole House Carbon Filter

3) Reverse Osmosis Filter


We have very hard water, 17 - 20 grains of hardness. This is calcium and causes hard water damage to your home and to your health. Studies have shown a cost savings of $95 per month after installing a water softener. The appliances last longer, clothes last longer, you use 1/3 of the soaps and detergents (compared to hard water). The health benefits of soft water is felt on the skin and hair. Hard water strips the skin of the oils, leaving your skin dry and flakey after a shower.

Water Softener



A water softener removes the minerals that cause hard water damage.


Hard water causes water spots of shower doors, dishes, cars, etc.

Hard water damages your skin and hair while bathing.

Hard water uses 3 - 4 times more soap and detergents.

Hard water clogs plumbing and appliances.


A water softener has benefits to your health and pocket book. 

UV Lamp


UV (ultraviolet) light kills bacteria. A UV lamp can be added to a whole house filtration system as an additonal step, to kill any bacteria before it enters the home. Or, the UV lamp can be added after the reverse osmosis filter, to kill bacteria at the point of use.

UV added after a water softener

UV added after a reverse osmosis filter

Well Water Filtration


Most well water is pumped from the ground into a storage tank before it is sent to the house. The storage tank provides an excellent opportunity for filtering the water continuously while it sits in the tank. Stagnate water will grow bacteria over time. Why store stangate water?


An Ozone system like the Triple-O, adds ozone to the storage tank, creating a continuous supply of ozone and circulation to the water. This has many benefits; the ozone oxydates iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide, and with enough contact time ozone is effective at killing bacteria. 


The cartridge filter (shown in the brochure) hangs inside the tank, collecting sediment, iron and manganese. The cartridge is reusable but needs to be pulled from the tank and rinsed clean periodically. Expect to clean the filter once a month for very dirty water and less often for less dirty water.

Chemical Free Iron Filter 


If the well does not have a large storage tank, a chemical free iron filter can be used to filter; iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide.  


There are many iron filters on the market. Some use toxic chemicals for the regenerate. A chemical free iron filter uses the oxygen from the ambient air as the regenerate. No toxic chemicals.

Reverse Osmosis Filter 


Reverse Osmosis filters try to remove all minerals from the water. The efficiency of the filter is dependent on the supply pressure (more is better) and the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in the supply water (less is better). For most city applications, you can expect between 90% - 95% reduction of the total dissolved solids. 


There are 2 models to choose from; Hydrotech and Performance. The Hydrotech filter has more engineering in the design and tends to be more reliable. The Performance can be reconfigured (customized) for problem water. Some well water applications require special filters or some customers have special requirements on the water, in which case we can customize the filter to fit the need.


Reverse Osmosis is typically installed at the Point of Use (POU). As our water tables get lower, the contaminants get more concentrated. It is now more important than ever to drink pure water.


Benefits of Reverse Osmosis

What is in your water?

Why carry water in big bottles?

Optimal Health begins with Pure Water

Schedule an Appointment

831-786-0445 store

831-252-3930 cell

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1954 Main St.

Watsonville, CA 95076


Mon – Fri  12 - 7pm

Sat - Sun   11 - 4pm


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